jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2007

Burnt Mam

Man was found burned in the hill dragoon was found by a person who was travelling des from the tirana to hospice I assure him(you,them) that the man was mario callejos that perdio from Sunday the tenia quite prepared to commit suicide even despidio of his(her,your) family and of his(her,your) 3 children mario callejos sera buried today.
The news was before returning to classes this homicide was in the native holidays(parties) dijieron his(her,your) companions that he was a good worker and thanks to the doctor of mario callejos knew that it was a homicide for which already the above mentioned habia.
To the companions him(her) paredio estraño that was vacating his(her,your) pigeonhole and that was leaving his(her,your) car parked in the cevicentro but they never imagined that atentaria with his(her,your) life.

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